Our Governing Body
Governors work closely with head teachers, school staff and representatives from the local authority (LA).
Governing Body Structure
Chair of Governors
Miss Anna Bowden
Vice Chair of Governors
Mrs Laura Hudson
Head Teacher
Mrs K Charlton
​Rev. Andrea Dart
Miss Anna Bowden
Mrs Laura Hudson
Mrs Louise Gibson
Mrs Helen Thompson
Mrs Jean Richardson
Co-opted Governors
Mrs Samantha Witty
Parent Governors
Local Authority
Cllr Carl Marshall
Mrs Paula Renwick
Safeguarding Governor
Rvd Andrea Dart
Pupil Premium Governor
Miss Anna Bowden
Attendance Governor
Mrs Laura Hudson
SEND Governor
Mrs Samantha Witty
Mrs Louise Gibson
Mrs Laura Hudson
Mrs Helen Thompson
Curriculum & Standards
Miss Anna Bowden
Mrs Paula Renwick
Mrs Louise Gibson
Rvd. Andrea Dart
Mrs Helen Thompson
Mrs Jean Richardson
Finance & Premises
Miss Anna Bowden
Mrs Laura Hudson
Cllr Carl Marshall
Mrs Samantha Witty
Mrs Kate Charlton
First/Pay Review
Cllr Carl Marshall
Rvd Andrea Dart
Mrs Samantha Witty
Miss Anna Bowden
HT Performance Review
Mrs Samantha Witty
Miss Anna Bowden
Rvd. Andrea Dart
Pupil Discipline
Mrs Helen Thompson
Mrs Kate Charlton
Mrs Paula Renwick
Miss Anna Bowden
Rvd Andrea Dart
Miss Anna Bowden
Mrs Laura Hudson
Mrs Kate Charlton
Governor Information
Burnside Primary School adhere to the statutory guidance from the Department of Education. This means that governing bodies must have regard to it when carrying out duties relating to the constitution of governing bodies in maintained schools.
View the Annual Governance Statement
How To Become A School Governor
If you require further information on the roles and responsibilities of School Governors or you are interested in becoming one, visit the Durham County Council website School Governor section.
If there happened to be more nominations than vacancies, an election would take place. The only qualification required for an elected Parent Governor is that he/she be the parent of a registered pupil at the school at the time of his/her election. If the number of nominations equals the number of vacancies, then those parents are automatically elected to the Governing Body. The period of office runs for four years and parents no longer have to cease to be Governors when their child leaves the school. All Governors are subject to pre-appointed checks.