Annual Governance Statement
Annual Governance Statement for the Governing Body of Burnside Primary School – June 2019
Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
Holding the head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;
Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
Governance arrangements
The full Governing Body meets once each term, and we also have a number of committees to consider different aspects of the school in detail.
At Burnside Primary we have a Finance Committee and a Pay and Performance committee.
We also have committees that meet if required to consider pupil discipline and staffing.
Attendance record of governors
Governors attend our Full Governing Body meetings and we have never had to cancel a meeting because it was not “quorate” (the number of governors needed to ensure that legal decisions can be made).
Governing Body and Committee Work
The governing body has had a particularly busy year, focusing on continuous school improvement.
Governors meet termly to share school improvement (SATs results etc, safeguarding, curriculum developments and the school improvement plan, changes to the school vision, school self-evaluation form). When needed they also meet with the Senior Leadership Team on specific priorities.
The Finance Committee meets termly to monitor how the school is spending money. This includes staffing and maintenance and development of the school premises.
One of the roles of governors is reviewing and agreeing school policies and this year we have considered a number of key policies, including:
Safeguarding Policy
Dismissal Policy
Drugs Substance and Alcohol Misuse Policy
No Smoking Policy
In January 2017 we had an OFSTED inspection, where we were notified that we continue to be graded as Good.
Minutes of Governing Body and Committee meetings are public documents – you can ask at the school office if you would like to see any of the minutes of our meetings or send an email to burnside@durhamlearning.net.
How you can contact the governing body
We always welcome suggestions, feedback and ideas from parents and carers. Please contact the Chair of Governors, Mr Sam Laing, via the school office or by sending an email to burnside@durhamlearning.net