Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!
Hi! I’m Miss Britton and I’m really excited to be the Year 4 teacher this year. In my spare time, I love to go to the gym and spend time with my family. Mrs Bell and Mrs Errington are your teaching assistants, who will help support your learning throughout the year.
At the end of Year 4, children will complete a statutory multiplication check therefore, it is imperative children are getting the practice in. We encourage children to spend 10 minutes, three times a week on TTRS.
Reading is essential for development and key to learning. In Year 4, we therefore encourage children to be reading at least three times a week, and for this to be recorded on Learning with Parents. Children can read any books that are of interest to them from home or school.
Our PE day is Monday and swimming on a Wednesday, please ensure children have warm layers for outdoor PE sessions and a swimming kit for the Wednesday.